Thursday, June 13, 2013


I realize that I haven't posted in a few days.

I hadn't actually ran any so I didn't post. My back was still killing me. I went to the doctor Tuesday and they gave me muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory pills for it. It has helped a lot.

Last night, a little after 9 pm, I finally felt comfortable enough to go for a short run. Well, short in distance, a little lengthy in time.

It was more like 3.1 miles and a minute longer but who's counting?

After I ran, I stretched, took a shower, a muscle relaxer and went to bed. I actually woke up rested this morning which is a nice change! I think running does help with my back muscles, getting them looser after sitting at a desk all day. I really need to do some strength training but I'm going to take it easy for the next couple days, just light stuff.

Its Her'sday today! Which of course means I am having a glass of wine after work. Maybe.

It's also a certain little neighbor's 2nd birthday today. I heard he likes donuts, so Willow and I just might be bringing him a treat later :)

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