Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up and Excuses, Excuses

Happy Tuesday!

I didn't do much running over the weekend (like...none) so I didn't post yesterday. Last night I did some core work and even got Willow in on it and she did some lunges and jumping jacks with me.

I woke up around 4:40 this morning and got on the treadmill. Since my treadmill is out side in the garage that has no AC, I was sweating at about .10 miles. Have you ever skipped a few too many days and tried to jump right back into it? I hadn't ran since July 4th....at about 2 miles I started having pains in both sides and my chest, so I finished by walking until 5:30 came along. So basically I feel like I let myself down a little bit by not running at all over the weekend, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.

We had a good weekend, Willow and I went to the river Saturday and we got to see my brother, his fiancé, my dad, and my uncle and his gf, and my cousin. Willow is a future river rat and she didn't want to get out at all. I completely forgot about swim suits (my morning before hand was pretty hectic) so we ran up to walmart and bought two cheap ones. Is it weird that its now my favorite swim suit?
chowin' down on a rib
Me and my future SIL

Willow making sure her Grandpa doesn't get sunburn
My Life

Sunday, Jessie S came over and we played in the little blow up pool in the back yard. And drank some wine. What could be better?


the water was FREEZING, but she did not care!

Willow and Jessie S

Anyway, I think part of the reason I haven't been posting, or running as much is because there has been so much going on. Some things I'm not ready to post about, they are just things that are nagging at me. Other reasons aren't bad, like Willow's second birthday coming up, that have been keeping me busy. Plus, chasing after a soon-to-be-2-year-old is pretty time consuming. Especially when it seems like I'm the one doing it 90% of the time. She is a spunky one, and I love her for it! ;)

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