Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Early AM Run and Foooood

da mo 1131 Daily motivation (25 photos)
Good Morning!

I woke up at 4:30 this morning (as we say in the south, "at the a$$ crack of dawn") to run on the treadmill. I ran 3.02 in 35 minutes so not bad.

I tried doing 8 minute abs last night but someone thinks that I am extra fun to sit on while I do this so I didn't get to finish. I did do about 40 squats and then I got about half way through a strength training video (after Willow was asleep) before I received a text from my favorite neighbor saying these were ready:

Stolen from her facebook :) 

So, obviously I immediately had to run over there in the dark and eat one, bring back 3 and eat one of those once I got home. I tried to convince Josh I only had one the whole night, but he knew better.

You see why I got up at 4:30? I had to work off a fraction of those worth it though, those things are delicious!

You know what else is tasty? Overnight Oats with Nutella- Recipe (try it, I swear you'll like it):

  • 2/3 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 banana cut up
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2 spoonfuls nutella
  • 1/2 (or 2/3, depending on thickness you want) 1% milk
  • some crushed walnuts
  • dash of cinnamon

Mix all of the above together in a mason jar, close it and let it set in the fridge over night. Stir in the morning and eat it right out of the jar (I eat mine cold)...the nutella makes it soooooo good. The flavor reminds me of those no bake cookies that food lion or martins makes.

Well, I better get back to work, I have a whole list of things to get done today! [

Happy Hump Day!

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