Thursday, July 11, 2013

Willow is turning 2!

I forgot to mention this.

Its big.

I mean, why did I not tell you earlier?

Willow will be 2 next Sunday!!!! I can't believe it! Its coming up so quick! Don't be surprised if you catch me drinking wine and a little teary eyed once she's in bed that night. I tried to convince Mom to bring me a "coping present" aka bottle of sangria. She didn't seem amused.

Anyway, with just over a week before her party, I am basically writing lists of lists I need to make. Because that's what I do. I'll forget the lists at home and probably end up going to the store about 5 times.

We are going to do simple....(simpler than other parties I've seen/pinterested/heard of)...kiddie pool, slip'n'slide, sprinkler. Plus tie dying which should be interesting. I figured if they make a mess then they can just jump in the pool. Plus, Willow's favorite things right now involve water. It doesn't matter how cold that well water is, if its in the kiddie pool, she's not getting out.

So far I've gotten some stuff for her room, I want to get her a few other little things as well. I'm waiting to coordinate with Josh on that. I also need to figure out the cake, food, and drinks.

And, clean the entire house, duh. (anyone want to come help me?)

I can't believe she's 2 already. She is so big, so smart, and funny. Its a bittersweet moment, a child's birthday. On one hand you get to seem them grow up and thrive (and thank god that you all made it another year) and on the other hand you long for the days of that cuddly 10 month old with those chubby little cheeks. But like I've heard many times, growing up is better than the alternative.

That is all. Just wanted to share some thoughts on my big girl's day coming up :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is hard but so worth it. I still miss Alexandra being so small. They get big too fast lol