Friday, June 7, 2013

Laying around

I stayed home today and attempted to rest my back. Since Willow could still go to the sitter, I dropped her off at usual time. I went home, laid in bed until a little after 10 and couldn't anymore.

I'm finding it very hard to "not do anything" since I've become a mother. Even with her not home I realize all the things I could be doing, like cleaning, laundry, the things in the house that need to be done. 

Also, there was a spider the size of my palm in my bathroom which really put a damper in my morning. It was in Willow's tennis shoe, thank goodness I didn't put it on her! 

I'm going to take a few rest days and get back to it on Sunday. I really wanted to go for run today or some sit ups but I resisted. (One of my theories is I strained my back doing ab work....or it's stress)
I'm realllllly antsy, I guess it's becoming a habit 😋

Anyways, I'm off to bed! Hope you all have a great weekend! 

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