Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Why does my back hurt when I sit down? Is this my body forcing me not to be lazy? Cuz its only going to make me want to drink wine instead.

Just kidding....Kinda.
da mo 2126 Daily motivation (25 photos)
Going running with miss Mandy after work then going home to tackle some laundry. More like I'm avoiding getting tackled by the laundry.

My back hurts like crazy. I can't tell if its a muscle or a kidney infection or if its just sprained. If I had health insurance I'd probably go to the doctor. But I don't. I did buy some super cheap-o, just-in-case-I-get-hit-by-a-train insurance, but it doesn't become effective until the 15th. And again, its probably uber-crappy.

So today is National Running Day. Yay! Let be thankful that we can actually go out and run (or walk) and go a little extra for those who can't.

Anyway, Its a short post today, busy day at work! :)

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