Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekend Catch Up

Does getting older mean getting sorer? Because I am sore all over.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and Monday. Just to catch up:

Thursday night I ran 3.85 miles after work. Its the longest I've ran yet.

Friday I didn't do any work out unless you count chasing after Willow as a work out....which is very possible. She and I met my mom for birthday breakfast at Cracker Barrel and we did some shopping and picked up my race packet for Saturday's 5k. (ps. we got the CUTEST running skirt at TJ Max. I need to take some pictures of it and share)

Saturday was the Color Me Rad 5k, and you can see the pictures from that here. It was SO MUCH FUN. After we went to the chili cook off for about 5 minutes (it was awful and expensive) and then buffalo wild wings. Willow came out of there with 3 stuffed animals and a ball from the claw machine. We each won her one and then a man came and one another animal and the ball and was super nice and gave them to her. She was so happy.
Later she spent the night with her aunt and uncle while Josh and I went to the birthday party my brother was having for us (twins). It was nice to have a grown up night!

Sunday was recovery day, I did 8 minutes abs and another work out video and then laid on the sofa. We were extra lazy.

Last night (Monday) I ran 3.04 miles after work on the road I live on. I am a little bored of it all of a sudden so I changed it up by doing sprints as fast and as far as I could followed by speed walking. Even with the speed walking my pace averaged 10'52" which usually I'm doing a
11'--" pace. After that I did 8 minute abs. (andddd that was followed by eating 4 right out of the oven cookies and chocolate milk...whoops)

5:30 am cuddles and coffee
So there it is, the past 4 days in a nutshell. I'm sure its not all that exciting. But there it is. I'm tired and achy...Pretty sure its because I'm a year away from being a quarter of a century old.

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